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SKU: 644216868506

Helps to kill parasites, fungi and it contains antiviral properties.




GarlicThe combined effects on reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as the antioxidant properties, may reduce the risk of common brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Summary Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and aging.


EchinaceaExtracts of echinacea do seem to have an effect on the immune system, your body's defense against germs. Research shows it increases the number of white blood cells, which fight infections. A review of more than a dozen studies, published in 2014, found the herbal remedy had a very slight benefit in preventing colds.


Pau D’ arco - Fights a wide range of infections, including malaria, staph, vaginitis caused by Candida, athlete’s foot and fungal infections affecting your nails and skin.


Goldenseal - But what exactly makes goldenseal so useful for your health? The secret is in the three active alkaloids that it contains, namely hydrastine, palmatine, canadine and berberine. Berberine, in particular, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and immune-boosting properties. It works against various bacteria, fungi and protozoa, and may even help treat gastrointestinal issues. Berberine was even said to have antidiabetic properties and may help control blood sugar and lipid metabolism just as efficiently as the diabetes drug metformin.

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